Saturday, August 3, 2013

My life recently

So many things hve changed during the past few months. I moved to the other city, I graduted from the first level of my studied and started MA degree, I got a job and now I'm waiting for the decision from the other one also good but closely connected with Polish fashion industry. That's why I haven't been here for a long time, of course I have been following your blogs but I didin't have time to prepare something interesting for mine. I hope that it's going to change! For a good beginning see some photos from my life!


  1. fun pictures girl! Juss came across your blog! Wld love it if u drop by my blog, we can follow :D

  2. These pictures are great. Your black and white outfit is fantastic! I’d love for us to keep in touch via bloglovin’, GFC, or Instagram! Let me know on my blog, I’ll be sure to follow back!

    s a r t o r i a l d i n e r
    Instagram @ sartorialdiner


Thank you for all your fashionable comments!